Saturday, March 31, 2007

Ready To Thin Out Your Book Collection?

Let a book go -- into the wild. Bookcrossing LINK is a site where you register a book and it gets a Bookcrossing ID number, then you set it free. Donate it, or accidentally leave it somewhere, or just place it in a predominate spot for someone to pick up. The recipient can log on and report having found it and you can track it. Sounds like fun.

If you know me, you know what a magazine junkie I am. Sometimes I leave them in the laundry-matt when I finish with them. I've even been the recipient of laundry-matt exchange magazines, too. They were gourmet cooking ones and something I'd never have bought but did enjoy looking at them.

Speaking of tracking things, I got a Where's George dollar LINK the other day. I held on to it until my boss's young son, Grant, came up to the office before baseball practice one afternoon. I showed him the site and registered the dollar with him. Then I gave him the dollar to go spend so we could check where it went next. No one has reported anything yet, tho.

Have you ever gotten a dollar stamped or marked with This made about four or five for me.

A Dad Saying

Describing a rather portly gentleman -- "He wasn't real tall, but he sure was high around."

Rainy Saturday Morning

Just been relaxing this morning and spending a little time on the internet. Sooo much wasted time, I know, but still enjoy it. One of the things I did was to check my stat counter and saw that three people had visited my blog just this morning. I think I get a pretty good amount of traffic for just a personal blog. But it still makes me wonder who some visitors are. The stat counter gives general info like the town and server but nothing specific.

So you see, if you visit and never comment and leave your name, then I don't know for sure that you've been here. How fair is it that you know what is going on with me, but leave me wondering about my friends and relatives? So if you fall into that category, consider sending an email my way and catch me up or at least leave a comment and say "Hi" and I'll smile.

There are several blogs that I check daily. Do you? What are they?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Have A Few Minutes?

Take a break for a musical interlude. You won't be disappointed. Well, if you have dial-up, then you might be annoyed by the wait, but it's really great!
(Novices, try clicking arrow twice.)

Deric Bownds playing Franz Joseph Haydn's Fantasia. Want more? LINK

A Week Ago Tuesday

Lila and Kasey.

Oh, That Handy Camera

This is a Chicken Carbonara. Got it in the student center right here on campus. Not too bad. But is this meal worth $8.95? This is only one factor contributing to the high cost of a college education.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Lunch

New place to eat on campus, Quiznos, had a limited supply of bread today. Bread for four more Real Deal Subs. They said the truck hadn't come in. How many times have I heard that at Wendy's? So I had the very plain turkey sandwich and I can attest to the fact that it was absolutely underwhelming!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Things That Make You Go Hmmm

I went to spend the day with Dad and as I was pulling into town, I got caught by the light as I went to turn onto the State Hwy from the Farm Road I'd been traveling. Ahead of me was a tanker truck. A mighty big one. It was hauling Liquid Nitrogen. Hmmmmmm.

Things That Make You Smile

I stopped by the Dairy Queen on my way out to get a snack for the trip home. A young lady of about 17 was working the drive-thru. I had her pegged as a truck stop waitress-in-training. She came complete with big hair and smacky gum. She told me to have a great evening and even called me babe. Right before I drove away she said, "Now you have a great evenin', babe." Told her thanks and that I would and I did.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wendy's Chunky Chicken Salad Frescata

Is this bland sandwich worth four dollars?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Tackling a Big Job

I'm off work today. Barrie and family will be in town later today and I'll meet up with them. But for now, I'm being constructive and going through one of those big Rubbermaid tubs of Gene's old law school stuff. Lots of yellow tablets, and Torts, and This v That, handwritten notes and handouts, but every once in a while I run across something that causes pause.

On a fresh yellow tablet were the words to House at Pooh Corner with the chords written in, you know -- Christopher Robin and all. Because of the time frame of being with his law school stuff, this tells me it was when he was practicing for L.A.'s 18th birthday party. He'd promised her since she was just a little girl that he'd sing it for her then. And he did. And it was flawless and beautiful.

"Paging O'Doonan Schwindonan"

Dreams can be entertaining, yes? I woke up this morning and was thinking about my dream in which someone randomly passed through looking for Odoonan Schwindoanan and believe me I'm guessing on how to spell that. Just had to laugh. Interpretations anyone?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Pi Day!

Why does the 14th of the 3rd month seem to always come during Spring Break week? All the students are gone and there's no reason to have a celebratory Pi(e) Day. Vicki is off the hook once again. One day I'd like to see Pi Day and Pie Day coincide. Surely we could convince her to bake some of those scrumptious pies for such an occasion?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Important Discovery

Eat a dark chocolate covered York Peppermint Patty. Then eat a few Whoppers. Yum. The mint and the malt compliment each other quite nicely. (Assuming you like York Peppermint Patties and Whoppers, of course.)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Catching Up

Last weekend, ML came to visit from Arkansas. She agrees that my dad is adorable so we paid him a visit. My sister, too. A cousin from Lake Charles happened to drop by Martha's while we were there. Got to talk to Dad's sister when she called. We had a good visit with my family plus just drove around a lot just looking.

This week at work was really busy with a conference plus other stuff.

Yesterday I had some obligations that kept me from going to a wedding of a family friend. But later in the day, I did get to go to a bbq with Gene's relatives. It was a nice time. Got to kiss on the babies. And got in a visit with Dr. Kim before she took off for another assignment.

This afternoon, will be going to Martha's as Cousin Pat (who will remain Patsy to me forever) will be visiting. But have wasted lots of time today exploring the Picasa and Picasa Web Album. Was hoping to make it easier to post photos into my blog but have hit one roadblock after another.

Finally got the Picasa (Google's photo manager) downloaded then had problems locating my photo. Got that figured out, then went to add some photos from email someone had sent me -- my yahoo mail account is down.

Went through the rigamaroll to get the one photo I had into a Picasa Web Album (which required creating the acct, etc) and now have dificulty getting the link into the blog.

I balked and waited as long as I could to move to the New Blogger which required a Google account (I really did think about jumping ship to TypePad or somewhere else). But oh the promises. All this ease of managing photos and web album and easy to add to your blog. I have been messing with this on my slow dial-up from home for hours!

Okay, I think I may have figured it out. If so, you'll see a photo of me and Martha that MaryLynn took. She said, "Oh that would have been a good picture of ya'll if you hadn't been doing that." I say, "This is how we look."

Dang! I don't see a photo, do you?

A Few Minutes Later
I finally just had to resort to doing my own html. Hope you enjoy this sister picture.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Well, Isn't This Aggravating?

After work yesterday, a friend came by and I offered, "Hey I've got this gift card to a local restaurant. Let me treat you to dinner." So we had a very nice dinner and exceeded the gift card by only a couple of dollars. Went to pay and I got, "I'm sorry but our gift card machine isn't working. We can't honor any gift cards tonight." The manager had been fetched by the hostess, so he was the one that repeated himself when that incredulous, "What?" slipped out of my mouth. Not even, "Here's a coupon for a free dessert," or "Here, let me write on the back of my business card that you get a free soft drink next time." Nothing! I don't want to go back -- but I've got this gift card, you see.

But Isn't This Redeeming?

Went through a drive-thru place at lunch today and every time the lady at the speaker repeated my order to me she got it wrong and then she just quit talking. So since there was no one at the window for a while, I drove on up. The gentleman handed me my meal while saying what it was. "No, I ordered a ...." He went to correct it but it was okay; the lady just never said it right. So he hands me my drink, "Your Dr Pepper." "No, I ordered a Diet Coke." He said "OK" and went to correct it. He hands it to me and I asked, "Is this your large?" which is what I'd ordered. "No that's a regular. Do you want me to change it?" I told him no because I was just wanting to get out of there. I paid the man and then he held up a very little cup and said, "Do you want some more Diet Coke. I'll give you more." YES! I'd paid for a regular but he wanted to give me more just to try to make up for all the confusion. I took it and I told him, "I'll be back."

Hey fancy restaurant manager! Take a clue from the chicken man!
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