Sunday, June 26, 2005

Nuances of Sliding Discussed

Visited Barrie this weekend and I had the opportunity to share some tips on sliding with Cade. In this photo, I think she's telling me all about it, "blahda blahda bladha phhhhttt!" and other assorted raspberry sounds.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Recent Movies

Movie LINK
(2005) Steven Seagal's crew opens up another can of whup-ass, this time on a submarine. I say his crew does because his actual hand-to-hand was very slight, and mostly done with camera cuts. But he is the glue that holds them together and propels them through their quest for a "Get Out of Jail" card upon completion of their assignment. If you like his movies, you'll like this one. Much better than the last one we saw.

National Treasure
Movie LINK
(2004) A treasure hunting movie for Nicholas Cage. His sidekick, played by Justin Bartha, had the best lines--too funny. Full of factual errors, but forget all that and just go along for the ride. Lots of action.

Moulin Rouge!
Movie LINK
(2001) I finally saw Moulin Rouge! Spectacular sets for the musical numbers. Saturated colors, lots of dazzle that burned my retinas and kept me remembering them for a few days after. That's about all I can give on this one. Sorry, guess I just don't get it. Just too slick, too homoginized, too overproduced -- kind of like a Whitney Houston song. Now, if you want to see a real avant-garde movie incorporating popular music, check out The Saddest Music in the World.

The Saddest Music in the World
Movie LINK
(2003) I am actually only halfway through this one, but just seemed appropriate to follow Moulin by mentioning it. Isabella Rossellini plays a Winnipeggian beer baroness who holds a contest during the Great Depression. She sends out the call world-wide for the saddest music which will win a reward of $25,000. Picture Indian singers in Eskimo costumes, who dance to ''California Here I Come'' with sitars and banjos commemorating a 19th-century kayaking accident.

From what I've read, I'm looking forward to seeing her performance where she stands resplendent on her new glass legs with the local beer coursing through them -- oh, did I mention that her former lover, a doctor in a drunken stupor, cut off her legs after a car wreck?

(UPDATE: Okay, I finished watching this movie and must admit that I was forced to fast forward through a lot of it. The idea of this interminable movie is much better than having to actually sit through it. Quite brilliant, actually. Wonderfully wierd!)

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day

Here is an old photo I found of Daddy when he worked at Britton and Craven Lumber Company. Working there is one of his favorite times to talk about along with his experiences during World War II. He's 87 now. You can catch a current glimpse of him in my post for April 24, 2005.

Spending Father's Day With Dad

I drove over on Saturday afternoon and spent the night. Martha and I went to church with Dad this morning. I cooked a big lunch for us all. It was a good visit.

Today, he told me a funny story about when he was a little boy and they were all hoeing cotton. He's such a good story teller -- even if he repeats himself too much these days -- the scene is set in a "round field on the Little Missouri River (Arkansas). That was some good land for cotton." -- I picture a field where the rows followed a curve in the river; what do you think?

Seeing planes was still a novelty. Dad said he'd seen pictures of them though. They were all hoeing cotton in this particular field and a plane flew over. He said he didn't really see it, but wouldn't have let on to his brothers for anything that he hadn't. Along with all of them (I'm assuming he was referring to his brothers), there was an old woman named Mattie and her son, Matt, who were share croppers. My dad's dad (I called him "Big Daddy") would hire Matt & Mattie to help out when he needed extra hands.

They were all speculating on why this plane would be flying way out there over the Ozarks of Arkansas. Someone conjectured that it was probably a mail plane. The old lady with her rheumy eyes had seen the plane with its fixed wings and wheels. She piped up, "Yeah, it's a male plane. I know it was 'cause I saw his bags hanging down when he flew over."

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Power Went Out and I Saw a Firefly

Gene and I spent the evening outside last night because of the big eight-county-wide power outage. It was actually a nice evening once it cooled off. Kinda breezey. We had candles and a lantern and Gene brought his guitar out and provided our entertainment. During the evening, I spotted a firefly. We've been here more than ten years and that's the first one I've seen here.

Coleoptera: Lampyridae
When I was a little kid, my dad would have everything ready -- the boat hitched up, car loaded -- and we'd hop in the car right after church on Sunday night or Wednesday night and head to the river. My dad would launch the boat by flashlight and we'd pile everything in and head to my uncle's fish camp on the banks of the Neches River. It seemed like hours to get there but was probably only two or three miles. But riding in that little John boat at night continues to be one of my favorite memories. The riverbanks were thick with fireflies. The drone of the boat motor lulled me into an imaginary world where I was on a river journey and passing a fairy metropolis. There were thousands of them. I miss seeing them like that.

Putting five or six in a jar and having light in your room as you went to sleep was something all kids did at least once when I was a kid. I haven't seen five or six in one place in decades nor could I fathom capturing them in a jar. Catching fireflies was one of the things that kids did to pass the time while our parents were standing around talking after church.

• Fireflies are long, soft-bodied beetles, up to 3/4 inch long. The first segment of the thorax hides the head from above. Most larger members have light-producing organs on the end of the abdomen. Most smaller species do not. The females of some species are wingless and look like larvae. The larvae are flattened, have toothed edges, and may also glow.
• Firefly larvae are predatory on insects, slugs, and snails. The adults mostly do not feed, but may take an occasional meal of pollen or nectar.
• Fireflies have complete metamorphosis and the larvae live in the soil. Adult lights are used to get the sexes together, with each species having its own unique flashing pattern.
• One genus, Photuris LINK ,will even mimick flashing patterns of other species luring them in for a tasty snack.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

My Truck

Today I hauled lumber in my new car. Yeah, it fit! The fact that the backseat seatbacks let down was one of the selling points for me. And it paid off today when I hauled seven 2X4 studs in it. They just fit!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Follow-up on May 5th Post, "I'm In Love"

Lillian @ 6 wks with Anne
I was tickled to get a new photo of Lillian the other day from proud grandmother, JoanE. I sure hope I get a chance to go and visit them this summer. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to get to meet Lillian, but best of all to visit with Anne. I've known her since she was in diapers herself!

She has grown into such a wonderful young woman. Of course, I knew she would! I loved the time I got to spend with her that afternoon in May. In that brief visit I could see what a compassionate, thoughtful, and obviously well educated adult she has become. And she's so funny! Still cracks me up! And what a mom -- she and Walker are doing a great job. I know JoanE is proud of all three of them.

Lillian at 10 wks

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

New Products, Marketing Trends

Creative Magazine is for sales promotion and marketing execs who manage Point-of-Purchase Display, Trade Show Exhibit and Sales Promotion Programs. Okay, I'm a marketing geek and my advertising background is showing. Check out the New Dark Chocolate M&M’s which haven't made it to rural East Texas yet; Starbucks Coffee Liqueur (you can only buy a cup o'joe at the cafe out here); find out about L’Oreal Paris launching the first comprehensive men’s anti-aging line ... PRODUCT, guys! The above links to a weekly recap of marketing trends. Go to their homepage for more things to see!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Make an Origami CD Holder

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Bye Bye, House

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

We Got the Building Moved!

Gene did a great job! Not only did he really know what he was doing with the trailer, chains, comealongs, winches, etc., he was really mellow to offset my being way too stressed about the whole thing. It's off the trailer and within a few feet of it's final destination! (It is an 8' X 10' metal storage building)

Tomorrow, we go and sign the papers to sell the lakehouse. It will be my last time to go "home" tomorrow. Mom's been gone eight years now, and it's been more than ten since she lived there, but it is still emotional. Geneva spent some time there but it never really was her home since they divided time between there and the farm. Hope Dad does okay with it and enjoys his new trailer without his occasional trips up to the lake.

There's a Signing Date

Well, we have a buyer for the lakehouse. The signing is set for Thursday afternoon. But today, Gene and I are moving a building! Yep, Dad lined it all up for us and we are supposed to go over to the lakehouse to get a 8X10 storage building and drive it over here. It's about 70 miles. Gene was bewildered that I was so stressed out about it. Hey! I've never moved a building before!
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