Last weekend, ML came to visit from Arkansas. She agrees that my dad is adorable so we paid him a visit. My sister, too. A cousin from Lake Charles happened to drop by Martha's while we were there. Got to talk to Dad's sister when she called. We had a good visit with my family plus just drove around a lot just looking.
This week at work was really busy with a conference plus other stuff.
Yesterday I had some obligations that kept me from going to a wedding of a family friend. But later in the day, I did get to go to a bbq with Gene's relatives. It was a nice time. Got to kiss on the babies. And got in a visit with Dr. Kim before she took off for another assignment.
This afternoon, will be going to Martha's as Cousin Pat (who will remain
Patsy to me forever) will be visiting. But have wasted lots of time today exploring the Picasa and Picasa Web Album. Was hoping to make it easier to post photos into my blog but have hit one roadblock after another.
Finally got the Picasa (Google's photo manager) downloaded then had problems locating my photo. Got that figured out, then went to add some photos from email someone had sent me -- my yahoo mail account is down.
Went through the rigamaroll to get the one photo I had into a Picasa Web Album (which required creating the acct, etc) and now have dificulty getting the link into the blog.
I balked and waited as long as I could to move to the New Blogger which required a Google account (I really did think about jumping ship to TypePad or somewhere else). But
oh the promises. All this ease of managing photos and web album and easy to add to your blog. I have been messing with this on my slow dial-up from home for hours!
Okay, I think I may have figured it out. If so, you'll see a photo of me and Martha that MaryLynn took. She said, "
Oh that would have been a good picture of ya'll if you hadn't been doing that." I say, "
This is how we look."Dang! I don't see a photo, do you?
A Few Minutes Later
I finally just had to resort to doing my own
html. Hope you enjoy this sister picture.