Thursday, February 26, 2009

Do You Twitter?

Never thought in a zillion years that I'd jump on the Twitter bandwagon, but I'm a tweetin' fool now. Well, maybe not that zealous but attempting at least a daily tweet.

It all started because I need to know about it for work. I know businesses use it and needed to find out how we might use it. So I started out with a personal account just to check it out. Let me tell you, all I could think was .. "what's the point?" I just didn't get it. Why would you want to tweet?

The best explanation I've found was something like, "you email and blog but Twitter fills in that time between. When you follow someone (their Twitter feed), you get a better picture of what's going on in their life, what they're about."

Maybe. So anyway, if you're interested check it out. Eventually I'll incorporate my tweets into the sidebar when I get a chance to figure out how. Until then, follow me here ....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Party Like It's 1234567890

At precisely 5:31:30 p.m. Central time on February 13, 2009, the 10-digit "epoch time" used by Unix computers will display all ten decimal digits in sequence. Not that I'm a Unix user, but I love those fun dates and times. Those geeky folks will be partying all over the world in celebration.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Are You Ready For Digital?


This is what being ready for digital in rural East Texas looks like.

See? I'm getting a digital station as illustrated above. Every once in a while some random hokey digital station will scan in and offer a crystal clear view of some infomercial but not too reliably.

Okay, I'm still working on it and might get a new antenna and try that but looks like we may get a few months reprieve on this issue anyway. I get at least one station great in analog (NBC affiliate) and maybe will get the CBS one again after their new digital transmitter goes online in a few weeks. And get some others that are fuzzy but passable depending on the weather.

I'm still holding out to not buy into satellite or cable until my credit card bills are paid off. Plus, it's the principle. It should be free!

I figure if Google can drive that far out in the woods to Street-View my dirt road (which totally freaked me out when I discovered it -- it's just the dirt road that turns off the highway, and not my actual house), then technology of the tv stations should be able to send their puny digital signals that far.

Okay, so ends my massive posting and catching up of photos. It may be a while before I can get back to blog again. I've been wanting to and finally just sat down and gave up the hours to do it! Hope you enjoy! Later!

A Nest Of Model Homes

Went to see Barrie and her family last weekend. Barrie and I had a chance to go look at model homes (sans kids). I'm thinking we might have seen maybe ten? It's fun to see how they are decorated and tsk-tsk at how hard it'd be keep all that clean and shake our head at how much these people will have to pay in taxes and will still be close enough to the next $400,000 house that neighbors could practically reach out and touch each others finger-tips if they leaned out their windows. But hey, it's so much fun to go look and I kept hoping we'd find a nest of 'em all in one place and we did! We had time for one more look-see and then head home. Found a nest of about three or four all right together. Here's some photos from our adventure.

Barrie & Me. We found a good one!

This is the house in the background of the photo above.

One house we looked at had Barrie's dream kitchen.

This house had some cute decorating ideas like this one in the "pool" theme bedroom.

This room was just one example of scary decorating. But not as scary as the scary clown kid's bedroom we saw in one of them. That's the one I should have taken photos of but I guess it was too scary. Just wanted to get out of there. HaHa.

We really liked this dining room. I think upholstered chairs look really nice in a dining room but I like how these are wood at the top. Seems like that would help make it easier to move them and to keep them cleaner. And I think they are nice looking. Personally, I do not have a dining table. I eat my supper either on my lap or on the ottoman in front of the tv. I'm okay with that.

We covered some ground in our quest! Here's a nice view of the Dallas skyline we saw while traveling back home.

Dad In Rearview Mirror

This photo was from back in January. I was in the backseat and Dad was in the front of Martha's truck.

We'd been to a funeral that was one of the most uplifting services of any kind that I'd been to in a long long time. Quite remarkable. It was for the father-in-law of my sister's sister-in-law. We'd been to this sister-in-law's house last Thanksgiving and had just seen the gentleman then. By Christmas he was in the hospital. We were waiting for the cars to start the procession from funeral home to graveside.

There was another person that I saw at that same Thanksgiving dinner who passed just today. It is my sister's mother-in-law. I was thinking about it today, and I've known Granny since I was about ten years old. Even though I wasn't related to her or even close to her, she has been integral in my sister's story for a long, long time. I've enjoyed holidays with that family for many years. And especially since Mom & Gene passed and it was just Dad & me leaning on Martha for some place to go for the holidays. I know they are really going to miss her.


Lunch With Annie

Annie and I went to lunch the other day. Here was dessert. Green-tea ice cream. The taste was so subtle and delicious.

From Christmas 2008

Santa has made a delivery. See it in the foreground?

Star Wars Leggos. Oh yeah!

I brought them goofy glasses and they were very good sports about the photo op.

Cute As Little Buttons!

Lila was in Texas for a visit and came by work with Jordan to say hello. She's working on her news anchor career and signs autographs in another state for now but wants to work her way back home. Jordan has joined us in higher ed right back where he started ... but has to wear a tie everday. They're both doing great!

Lila, me, and Jordan.

Michelle's Wedding

A few more photos from last December.

Already decorated.

That's her dad performing the ceremony.


Caroline, KimG, Michelle and me.

Surprise Visit

This was from early Dec 2008. Hey! I'm trying to catch up with posting my photos. JoanE came to visit. Chosen family! It was great catching up and seeing photos of the grandkids and all.

Me and JoanE.

From June 2008

Took a while to get these posted, huh? I'd been up to visit Barrie and her family. Obivously we'd taken a little road trip somewhere and the kids crashed on the way back.

A photo of the kids being quiet. :)

These sunglasses crack me up.

A mean game of tic-tac-toe going on here!


I've heard the term metrics about five times in the last four days as in key performance indicators. Didn't realize they'd given a name to "the numbers show ...."

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Insert Frowny Face Emoticon Here

I just found out that Cottage Living and House & Garden magazines are no more. I love love love magazines and home magazines are my favorite. Dang, I just sent in a subscription not long ago for Cottage Living. I suppose they will offer me a subscription to Southern Living or maybe Coastal Living. Which coincidentally, I just mailed off a subscription to on Saturday. I haven't taken it in a long time but it was offered dirt cheap and thought I'd give it another try -- they'd done too many articles on the grand beach mansions and not the little cozy beach cottages which are closer to my small cabin. That's why I was going to give Cottage Living another go, too. Maybe the cycle had come around again to the smaller spaces.

Maybe they'll send me Cooking Light which is another of their magazines. That wouldn't be bad since I have just recently started cooking with some regularity. Started the new year trying not to eat out so much and save some money. So dusted off some recipes. Gene was a great cook and did the cooking. Well, I never cooked much before we got together either so almost fifteen years of being cooked for was not a bad deal. Yep, he'd even fix my plate and bring it to me. What a great guy. Seriously, he was a fantastic cook.

So spent the last three years eating out and munching for the most part. Cooking for one never did appeal, but cooking to bring my lunch to work with leftovers to eat at home is working out pretty well this time.

Ah magazines -- my weakness. I have cut down but thought I'd add a couple as a couple ran out. I've been taking Metropolitan Home (big-city dwellers get creative living in their small spaces) and Traditional Home. A friend gifted me with More. And the other subscription is Fast Company so as to at least have a brush with new technology and business. Four's not too many, right?

But I'll read just about any magazine. I've picked up industry journals like the one that discussed the finer points of coin-operated washing machines and dryers. I'll even pick up most Annual Reports I come across, just to see if someone managed to make it somewhat visually interesting. Right now, I've got an issue of Campus Technology on my desk, you know, "Empowering the World of Higher Education" waiting to be read.

And by the time I make it through the medical journals that I get from my doctor relative and all my routine online reading -- who's got time to read books?

I saw the following on a magazine blog and would link to it, but that one's gone defunct, too. (Domino.) The article was basically a list of things to do when moving/living in/decorating a place. And number four sounded pretty catchy to me.

4. Assess your collections every five years--if they look like dead branches on the tree of your life, clip them. Hell, give them to someone else to grow.

Reminds me of friend, Judy, who talked about getting the nematodes, be they people or things, out of her life so things could grow freely.

I used to have so many collections. I'm trying to remember all the stuff I collected. I had an extensive, and I mean extensive, collection of hats at one time (anyone remember The Hat Party?). Then there was vintage clothing, fans, gloves, and who knows what else. Those have gone by the wayside. Lord knows there's plenty of stuff to deal with without those collections. I'm just way too sentimental. And also if you're the one left standing, what do you do when you inherit your spouse's collections, too?

Oh well, baby steps -- baby steps. I was joking with Martha last weekend that someone would be cussing me if I left all this stuff for someone else to deal with someday. We had a good chuckle out of that one. (And by the way, we were on the way back from the Goodwill where I'd just donated a trunk-load of stuff, thank you very much!)

I know my culture requires me to be much more tidy than I am, so I will persevere. But truth be told, often all that stuff doesn't bother me a bit. I just walk right by it and it doesn't register if I'm not thinking about it. It could be in another room by the way my mind perceives it. Or rather doesn't.

Is it kind of like living in a parallel universe?

I will leave you with one of my favorite cartoons I picked up along the way. It most reminds me of two of my favorite people who have carried their desire for simplification to an art form. You know what I mean, right? You feel compelled to check and make sure it is an approved gift item before handing it over so it doesn't head directly to the donate pile? I really do admire their passion to keep it simple and they both laughed at this cartoon.

"Well, I see the plan to simplify your life is going better than expected, Dear..."
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