Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Office

I don't think I've even mentioned that I moved to a different office. Work has been crazy busy. This new office, in it's quieter location, was intended to enable me to concentrate and get more work done. I think it's working! I've been working like crazy the past few days. Still not caught up but since I was so far behind, I am trying to cut myself some slack. As Dad reminded me yesterday, "You didn't get behind in a week. It'll take more than a week to catch up."

Still no internet at home, plus the laptop doesn't work anymore anyway. Time to leave this internet connection now but thought I'd throw out a post real quick. Wanted to log into blogger to make a comment on BrunoBaby's blog, so since I was logged in -- here's a quick post.

Have contemplated composing entries in longhand at home and then typing them into a post when I can get to a computer. It's not that I don't want to blog, it's just getting the time. Lots has happened since my last newsy blog, plus I got a camera so there are photos to share! Need to catch you up. Later ya'll!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Paid off another credit card! Two to go!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Happy Blogaversary To Me

And wouldn't you know it, my computer died on me today. I borrowed one to make sure I posted today to mark this occasion. Will have to be more newsy at a later date... and photos ... I've got photos! New camera, you know!

My first entry was four years ago today and was about P B & J Sandwiches. Hmmm.
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