Monday, August 27, 2007

Vacation's Over

Marylynn came to visit last week. We had a great time. Back to the work-a-day grind and no time to post. Hope to post more soon!

Friday, August 17, 2007

One Vacation Down, One More to Go

I finished up the week at home by completely filling my car and making a donation to the Goodwill when I went to visit Dad and Martha last Sunday. Still have a long way to go but I can start to feel the rewards with a little bit more space. Will be doing the mad dash around the house this weekend as Marylynn will be coming to visit and spend the week with me. Nothing like expecting company to kick one into high gear, right?

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Been trying to go through stuff. Years and years of stuff. My stuff. Gene's stuff. Stuff I brought back from Mom and Dad's house when we sold it. Stuff! Plus all the other stuff mixed in with it from just moving through life being a packrat. Discarding stuff. Deciding what to do with stuff not discarded. It is slow going, like slogging through molasses. Just have to keep reminding myself that it didn't get this way in a day. Back to work now!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Funny TV

OMG. TV reception is soooo clear. I just looked up from the laptop, and TV was so clear it scared me. Makes me want to shake out some coins for satellite or cable if cable has made it out this far yet.

Nahh. Maybe next year. I'm about a month away from paying off one of my credit cards. Woohoo! That's worth watching fuzzy old-school antennae tv as I inch toward my goal of being debt-free!

I have been watching Last Comic Standing. The first commercial came on and I realized my face kinda hurt because I'd been smiling so big for ten minutes straight. If you're looking for another summer reality show to watch and you like to smile, I'd recommend this one even if you watch it on fuzzy TV.
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