Friday, April 14, 2006Back to work. Feeling pretty dang good!
Thursday, April 13, 2006Stayed home. Recuperated. On the mend. While I was housebound, I went through some of Gene's office papers that I've been putting off dealing with.
Sigh.Wednesday, April 12, 2006Went to work long enough for an important meeting.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006Stayed home.
Monday, April 10, 2006Went to work. Thought I was better. I was wrong.
Sunday, April 9, 2006Flu-like symptoms. Fever and chills.
Friday/Saturday, April 7 & 8, 2006Relay for Life - College Edition: This was the first relay to be held at the university (this is in addition to the long established county one) and I agreed to have a team. We did quite well. Thank you to all of you who contributed. Our team raised more than $800! The event raised more than $13,000. Pretty fantastic for a first-time event, don't you think?
Our team theme was a
Harry Potter one. Amanda made scarves for all of us. We had great fun. Then a norther blew in and we were very, very, very cold but still managed to have a good time. Those prop scarves ended up feeling pretty good!
KimG and I just looked at the photos and videos I took. She had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. Yes, they are that funny.
Ms. Judy's Buttons -- r to l: Andres & Monica, Jordan, Jesse, Lila, Jim & Amanda, Ericka, me, Blake & Kasey, KimGThursday, April 6, 2006Movie-night for me and the Buttons. We saw
V for Vendetta LINK. Kasey & Blake took off for a play after McKenzies where we all had the hamburger special.
Yum. "Lesley" had to go check on her puppy since she'd been at work all day. Michelle couldn't go eat with us but joined us at the movies. Lila and Jordan both went to the Ring Ceremony with family and couldn't come. I guess this will be our last
offsite-meeting with Ericka since she graduates in May. Seems too soon!
At McKenzies -- r to l: KimG, Kasey, Blake, Ashley (a.k.a. Lesley), Ericka and me. Regular version and required Crazy Face version.Tuesday, April 4, 2006I had a chance to go out and visit Sylvia before her big move out of state. We just recently got back in touch. I'm glad we did or I wouldn't have had a chance to visit with her before she left. We met more than 30 years ago when she started a resale store in across the street from where I worked. I got two great friends from that resale shop! JudyA is the one who bought it from her. Sylvia gave me the teapot and teacup that are on the table as a momento. Thank goodness for email! We'll keep in touch!
Me and Sylvia