Monday, February 27, 2006

Quiet Lately

What can I say? Ups and downs. Not much to say. Thanks for stopping by. More later.

Monday, February 20, 2006


One day last week, my boss brought his kids by the office. I taught them to shoot rubberbands. I felt it was my duty. Today he came in and said he found rubberbands in the dryer. hehe

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Relay For Life

I've volunteered to be a team captain for the first Relay for Life LINK to take place on campus. One of our student workers, Krystle, began a chapter of Colleges Against Cancer here and this is their first Relay. Wish me luck! I've never even been to a Relay For Life before, but I know we'll have a good time. We sure did at the Relay Kick-off party last night. This will take place in April. More later.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Jordan Is Twenty Today

Last night, we had an off-site meeting to celebrate his last day as nineteen. There was pizza and cupcakes. I gave them all little stuffed animals. Last Christmas I just didn't have the heart to do anything for the student workers, but today there were plenty of huggable little critters to go around for Valentines Day complete with Star Wars valentines. Of course, the Buttons got theirs last night.

Seated - Kasey; L to R - Kim, Michelle, Blake, Lila, Jordan
These guys are just as cute as little buttons!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Update For The Week

we enjoyed a visit from Caroline. She had a day off work and combined a visit to the boyfriend with a stop by our work. Everyone was glad to see her as always. Some of us went to McKenzie's for lunch. Yum -- McKenzie's cheeseburgers! By the way, the $5 special is now on Tues/Thurs instead of Wednesday.

Caroline, Me and Kim

This Week At Work...
I've worked on doing a big mailout. First time we've had a Fulfillment House do a mailout for us; learning something new. Also, went to a building construction committee meeting, conducted a staff meeting, met with someone in Purchasing, assigned some programs to recruiters, scouted a place for a reception, etc. And blah blah blah -- regular stuff for the most part.

Last Sunday...
I went over to Linda and Tom's for a visit. Linda served some really yummy soup. Here's the recipe for her --

Taco Soup

1 pkg Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning
1 pkg Taco Seasoning (Parade Brand)
1 & 1/2 lbs hamburger meat
2 cans whole kernel corn
2 cans ranch style beans
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can Rotel Original (hot)
2 cans water
"Cook hamburger meat, drain, and mix all ingredients together." Then she had to chuckle as she wrote the next line which is, "Get hot". I guess you could get hot in addition to the soup heating up (hehe). This is the kind of soup that gets better and better after a few hours. Serve it with some yummy tortilla chips. (Also, if you want to kick it up a notch, she says the original recipe calls for two pkgs of Hidden Valley Ranch Seasoning and two of the Taco Seasoning.)

Not ReallyThis Week...
but this makes me laugh when I see it and since I read my blog, too, I'm putting it in here. I called out different moods and topics and she gave me an expression for it. If you knew what they were, this would probably be pretty funny to you, too.

The Many Faces of Ericka

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy To Report

The cold is much better now. Didn't take any cold medicine this morning. Maybe I'll be thinking more clearly today. It's a pretty day, too. Could be a good day. Don't forget that tomorrow is National Wear Red Day LINK to promote awareness and support the fight against heart disease in women.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

While Cleaning Out The Junk Mail

Was scrolling through junk e-mail messages before deleting just to make sure some real message from some long lost friend didn't end up there by mistake. One of the subject lines caught my eye -- "Restore Your Existence?" If only it was that easy ...

Dr. Kim Called

Gene's sister called last night. Was great to connect with someone in his family since I'd been missing him so much. She seems to be doing great but working really hard.

My cold is much improved. I'm hoping for a better day today!
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