Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I Was So Disappointed

Yesterday, Ericka and I were all abuzz rehashing every nuance of last night’s final episode of Amazing Race 6. Then it dawned on me! I needed to check and see if the new applications are online! (That’s my job, you know.) They were and I downloaded a couple of copies as fast as frickin’ PDF files will let you.

I handed one to Ericka and as I read the other copy, I was immediately working on a time-line for my team. My job as application manager was not to be taken lightly!

DANG! They’re looking for families this time! Teams of four! With questions like “where did you spend your last family vacation?” What good is that going to do Ericka and Caroline in their bid to get on and win Amazing Race 8, I ask? Heck, there's one dream dashed.

Today I found out that I was more disappointed than they were -- haha. Easy for me to be all excited about it. I wouldn't be the one having to take time off from life and a paycheck for the chance to win a million IF they even got chosen.

But I thought they’d make a GREAT team. They’ve got the cute all-american girl-next-door looks, they’re funny, smart, and rag on each other at the drop of a hat. They’re made for Amazing Race!

And I thought they had a great concept for a two-person team. Two people who know each other and get along at work but have totally different friends/lives outside of work and don't really know each other that well -- would they even survive as a team? Would they drive each other totally insane? Who knows? Looks like that window of opportunity has passed. If they'd made it, it would've been fun knowing someone that had made it on the show. But who knows what brush with greatness might come tomorrow? Hmmmmmm.

Here they are filling out their practice Amazing Race 7 application last month. (Past-the-deadline ap for the upcoming next race and last with TWO-person teams!)


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