Saturday, February 05, 2005

Got Something Accomplished!

Finally got "Links" added to my blog. Not that hard, of course. Easy enough to find the code, but had to take the time to figure out how to put it into my template. Living with a webmaster, all I have to do is ask and be shown how to do it or even have it done for me. But having that independent, stubborn streak ... IWANNADOITMYSELF! Oh and also, got my clock added. Don't let it make you rush and leave without reading though!

There are lots more things I'd like to do with this blog. One is to incorporate a photo album feature. Then comes the time factor in updating that, making my posts, communications, and searching for inspiration (i.e. surfing the internet which I can't seem to resist). Also really want to give my blog a personalized look. I'm a fairly creative person and I know I could do something really special.

But for now, I'm going to have to be satisified with it as is. When I add up the minutes of the learning curve, creating artwork, etc... well, I need to be spending my time currency somewhere else right now.

So if you are a frequent reader, watch for additions and a new look that reflects ME! For the moment, I relinquish this tool of procrastination. Signing off for now!


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