Thursday, May 18, 2006


Thursday, May 18, 2006
Met with a publisher for a magazine wanting us to put an ad in his magazine. Well, I guess I should say more ads. This is a magazine that goes into high school counselors' offices for the students to see. Of course, we want our university represented. I was pretty proud of the ad I came up with that went into their premier Latino edition that they came out with recently. Looked pretty sharp. Who knew I'd be making decisions like this some day?

Bless co-worker Vicki's heart; she's been so kind and let me go on and on with my Gene stories the last few days. It's nice for those funny and factual stories to come to mind instead of that horror movie of The Event looping through my head and haunting me like it did the first few months. Then the haunting fell off but the fun stuff wasn't exactly bubbling up either. So, it's taken about eight months to get here and none too soon.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Today there was an Ice Cream Social sponsored by the university's Staff Council. Good Blue Bell ice cream with the fixings. And a chance to run into people (staff only; no faculty at this one) you've been needing to talk to about some project or another, and to catch up on friends. Also had an inspired idea, a possible creative solution to a particular situation. Impressed my boss who called his boss and told her about it. Of course he gave me credit. He's a good boss in that way. I had to watch the Amazing Race finale when I got home. Got to get my fix of reality tv, don't you know?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Today was a tenth work anniversary for co-worker, Vicki. I made her a Watermelon Pie, one of those jello, Cool Whip, graham-cracker-crust kinds. She liked it! I also sat in on a meeting for my boss who was at another one. Was kinda over my head but interesting nonetheless. All about computer programs and how they affect multiple departments when changes are implemented, and what new programs are needed, collecting data, etc. Hmmmmm. I didn't have a lot to offer, but hey! I can take notes like nobody's business! After work, a bunch of us went out to eat which we are doing once a week for about a month as a send off for co-worker, Jesse, who is still employeed with us but will be relocating.


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